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EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desentization & Reprocessing and is most commonly used to treat PTSD, however, I use EMDR for most issues and have seen great results.


It is a treatment that does not rely on talk therapy and allows the individual to connect to themselves on a deeper level. No one knows how EMDR, however, we do know that when an individual is overwhelmed, their brain cannot process information as it does ordinarily. These experiences often become “frozen in time”. You may even re-experience the trauma as though you are going through it for the first time because the images, sounds, smells and feelings haven’t changed.


EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to get both sides of the brain communicating in order to separate painful emotions from the past experiences.  This allows you to learn from this experience and use these valuable lessons to guide you in a positive direction in the future.






EMDR Therapy


At Fairhaven we utilize a Belief Focused approach to EMDR case conceptualization and processing as it is one of the most advanced, effective and efficient approaches for trauma processing. We don't just focus on the event, but rather we acknowledge the impact this experience has had on core beliefs and ultimately your life.


Recent advancements in neurobiology have supported the effectiveness of linking network pathways’ in order to consolidate adaptive (healthy) psychological learning. Meaning; we work to clear entire neural networks, de-sentize overwhelming emotions and eliminate unpleasant body sensation attachment to the past.  Working with neural networks’, emotions and sensations (both positive and negative) is the cornerstone of AIP and EMDR processing. The length of treatment depends on the individual, however studies have shown that EMDR can resolve certain symptoms faster than traditional therapies.

Through this process, we guide the client toward the most adaptive, adult positive belief that will allow them to learn from past experiences and make necessary behavior changes to become the best versions of themselves.


In my practice, I have successfully used EMDR with multiple issues including single and complex trauma (PTSD), anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, complicated grief, substance abuse issues and performance anxiety.







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